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Before sharing any content, it’s essential to select the correct age rating. Here’s a breakdown:
FSK13: Content like photos and videos should steer clear of violence or explicit sexual depictions. Bare skin should be modestly covered, and any sexually suggestive actions or poses that might impact young audiences’ development are prohibited. Keep in mind that both content and keywords influence age categorization. Please, ensure to set the appropriate age rating each time you post.
FSK18: Only content suitable for mature audiences is permitted, including explicit violence, pornographic material, or sexually suggestive content. Nudity is acceptable within explicit contexts. All FSK18 content must be labeled appropriately and accessible only to adults. While nudity or FSK18 content isn’t allowed in profile pictures or cover photos, it’s permitted in posts and messages. However, remember to specify if your content isn’t suitable for minors and select the appropriate age rating accordingly.
By setting the right age rating, you contribute to a safer and more appropriate online environment.