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In order to add items to your store click here and “Add Item”. You can add the following content / text:
- Category
- Digital
- Video Call Credits
- Content Requests
- Others and Tips
- Physical
- Slips
- Sock
- Bikini…
- Digital
- Name
- Image(s)
- Processing Time (The number of days required to deliver the item or fulfill the request)
- Price & Discounted Price
- Stock (How many of these items you have)
- Shipping Costs (National; EU; International)
- Addons (Additions / customisation to your Item)
What is Processing Time? #
We offer different types of products, both digital and physical. While all physical products require processing time for preparation, packing, and shipping, not all digital products require processing time. Here’s how it works:
- Video call credits are delivered automatically, allowing the fan to call you with the purchased credits (minutes) whenever it’s convenient for both of you. We recommend acknowledging each purchase as a gesture of goodwill and responding accordingly.
- Content requests, on the other hand, may require some time to be executed, filmed, or processed, depending on the request.
Shipping and Delivery Reminder: #
Products with processing time must be delivered within the specified time frame. If not delivered within the processing period, the order will be canceled, and the customer/fan will be refunded. If you need to extend your processing time, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist you in making any necessary adjustments.
Please always set a realistic processing time to ensure your fans have a clear expectation of when they’ll receive their purchase. Keeping expectations realistic is key to providing a great experience!
Shipping Costs #
There are three types of shipping costs: national (within your own country), EU (within the European Union), and international.
National shipping is determined based on the origin of your country compared to the buyer’s address. For example, if a person orders from Germany and your product is in Germany, it is considered national shipping.
If you decide not to send internationally, you can simply untick the international shipping option. This allows you to limit shipping to only national or EU destinations, based on your preference.
What images can I use? #
You can use any images that are safe for work and contain no nudity or explicit content. All images must be your own and must not include any stock content.
What happens after I added my product? #
Each item and Add-on will have to be approved by our review team. Please make sure no offensive and or sensitive content, e.g. images and videos as well as text are posted. For more information on this please refer to our safe content policy and terms of services.
You can also always deactivate your items if you need to make changes and enable them later.
How do I share a link to my shop? #
If you want to know your personal shop URL, simply go to your shop page and copy the URL from the displayed there. It will look something like this “”.